The Lunch Menu in Grammar Schools

Frank Doherty
2 min readJun 13, 2019

Starting from the roots of education there is a fundamental flaw in the desertion regarding KIDS and NUTRITION… ok maybe notso important. Well at least that is how most modern day Americans view it. A shamble of carrots here and a handful of mashed potatoes on the plate a meal’s a meal right? The barebones of education has a seat right in the middle of food fights and caricatures; the lunch table. A dreaded sight for some and a dream for the few with a drive to cultivate. Going the extra mile to transform one’s dish from a bushy pile of lint to fresh greens on flat bread. While this may seem as a choice to every superhero in waiting, the reality is juxing in nature. Lunches are packaged and heated as an industrial slaughterhouse with options ranging from dull to stale.

Freshly caught tuna and a mitt of spinach/nuts sounds more-a-tune to the grill a young skywalker sees on his plate. Never a taste out of place but its all fitting to gravitate towards fish and greens, especially freshwater fish, any luke is one to skip on the salt and reach for genuine taste. And the question of how one brings about this changes is certainly challenging yet would be one well-worth the battle for the smiles and the full tums. So local fisherman and farmers going vertical? May not be a the Iron Man’s meal but its gotta beat that bushy pile of lint

So we can come to consensus that there is a flaw in menus, now the question goes “What fundamental narrative shifts in the supplychain can be made to generate fresh produce locally?” Here surmounts an entire new realm in exploring deli slicers and tractor production.



Frank Doherty

Bringing to light the question of what it means to be human in a time that is waving on an open road .